How often are electric cars charged

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How often are electric cars charged

The frequency of charging an electric vehicle depends on the vehicle's usage and battery capacity. Under normal circumstances, electric vehicles need to be charged once after driving 150-200 kilometers. For electric vehicles with a long range, such as individual imported models, the range may reach more than 500 kilometers.

There are two charging methods: fast charging and slow charging. Fast charging technology can shorten the charging time to 2 hours, while slow charging takes 5-6 hours. In order to maintain the good condition of the battery, it is recommended that the owner charge the battery in time when the battery is less than 20%. For new electric vehicles, it is recommended to fully charge and charge during the day to better master the charging time. For electric vehicles used for more than half a year, it is recommended to carry out a deep discharge every month and fully charge within 12 hours to maintain the battery power to restore the state.

In addition, in order to extend the life of the battery, it is recommended to charge it once a day, even if the journey is short, so that the battery can be in a shallow cycle. In the process of driving, when the meter indicates the red light area, it should be stopped and charged immediately to avoid high battery loss rate. At the same time, pay attention to the safe use of the charging cable plug to avoid the charger being vibrated or placed in an unventilated place, so as not to affect the charging effect or cause safety problems.