Ways to charge electric vehicles

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Ways to charge electric vehicles

There are several ways to charge electric vehicles:

1. Conventional charging methods include constant current charging method, constant voltage charging method and stage charging method;

2. The conventional charging method charges the electric vehicle with a low charging current, and the general charging time is longer, up to 10 ~ 20h; The installation cost of the charger of the conventional charging method is relatively low, and this charging method is mostly used in the home charging facilities of electric vehicles (on-board chargers) and car charging stations. The charging period can make full use of the low power period to charge, reduce the charging cost, improve the charging efficiency, and extend the service life of the battery;

3, rapid charging methods have pulse charging method, variable current intermittent charging method, variable voltage intermittent charging method, etc., here to introduce the common and basic charging method. The fast charging mode charges the battery in a short time with a high charging current, and the charging time is short, which can be completed in 10-30min. The installation cost of the charger in the fast charging mode is relatively high, and the charging efficiency is low, which also has a certain impact on the battery life.

1, portable charging: portable charging refers to the use of the portable charging cable attached to the car connected to the ordinary household socket charging.

2, home charging station: home charging station is the most common kind of charging station. The average private user will buy an electric car with a home charging wallbox. Of course, the station alone is not enough, there also needs to be a parking space and the property agrees to install.

3, public charging station: home charging wallbox is good, but there are many users because there is no fixed parking space or property does not cooperate, can not install home charging charger. For them, public charging stations are the only option.

1. Charging method of electric vehicle: wireless charging technology

2, the charging method of electric vehicles: the public transport field takes the lead in the use of power change technology

3. Charging methods of electric vehicles: Most public charging piles use DC charging technology

4. Charging method of electric vehicle: AC charging method available at home